And if the alarm goes, the song abruptly shifts tone as if to say "Get the hell out of there!". Especially when you get to the top and the danger of being seen escalates. Considering the stakes of robbing a trainyard swarming with Murkywater goons, the music during the stealth portion is fittingly ominous and intense.
Pulse, from the Hardcore Henry Heists. Even Bain isn't immune to ridicule in this song, and can be heard saying "Whoaaaa!" at one point. A lot of the other heisters' lines are also in this remix too, like Hoxton's "Don't answer back, you twat!" and Clover's "Hey you! Get on your feet!". Its name derives from Houston's memetic "Don't act dumb!" quote. A Stupid Statement Dance Mix that was released for the Halloween Event in 2015. The Stealth portion instead opts to use nothing more than a violin and a drumset.
Despite the name, it has one of the tensest pieces of Stealth music in the game and sounds nothing like its bass-heavy Assault-counterpart.
utter chaos in terms of what instruments it uses. This version notably adds bass (and occasionally switches to Ominous Latin Chanting (Italian) at random during the heist).
Ode To Greed is an orchestral masterpiece, which makes any grand-scale heist even more epic to listen to. Keep in mind that the soundtrack DLC isn't updated nearly as often as the game itself is, as such there are tracks in the game that aren't available for download. It all depends on the where you are in the heist itself. Also, the in-game music has 4 separate tracks ''per track'' ( Stealth/Setup for the start of the heist (stealthing, before going loud) Control, for going loud or pauses between assault waves, Anticipation being for when the wave is about to begin, and Assault, the main part of the song that's played during the police assault.). It's also available on the Crimewave Edition for the Playstation 4 and the Xbox One.The soundtrack is separated into two: one is for the in-game music, and another for the "B-sides" (music used in the trailers for the game), which can sometimes differ from their in-game counterparts.
Since Payday 2 Update #36 the soundtrack once owned also unlocks additional music in PAYDAY 2 to use in the jukebox both in the menu as well as during heists. The Soundtrack also includes remix material so you can make your own PAYDAY-inspired music! In-game Soundtrack masks are included with the Steam purchase.
It is available for purchase on Steam and on Bandcamp for 5 dollars. It is a collection of 17 MP3 tracks made by OVERKILL's celebrated composer Simon Viklund. Payday: The Heist Soundtrack was released on October 18, 2012.