So I suggest you hold on to coins/patterns/formula etc until an official fix is posted. Spoke with a GM, he returned my missing formula and asked that it not be re-learned until a solution could be implemented. So it knows I had a curious coin but the Pattern I bought has gone missing. I immediately purchased and learned enchanting pattern "Soul Fibril" after the dungeon and logged off because it was late.Logged in next day and the pattern was not in my enchanting inventory - went through the blizzard item recovery page thinking I had dropped or sold the pattern somehow but it was not there either.ĭid a good inventory and bank search with no luck - interesting thing is - in my character currency tab curious coin is "learned" because you don't have currency show that you have not yet received in game at least once. However it seems I've encountered some bug, wondering if anyone else has. Normal, Heroic and Mythic dungeon bossesĬomment by zhulCurious Coin dropped for me off a 5-man boss.Emissary cache, from completing 4 World Quests.

Arcadian War Turtle - Cost: 150 Curious Coins.Each day a random item appears, and therefore if you are looking for something specific, you need to check back daily. ONE of the following items will appear on Xur'ios' inventory each day. Technique: Straszan Mark - Cost: 1 Curious Coin.Formula: Soul Fibril - Cost: 1 Curious Coin.Recipe: Flamespike - Cost: 1 Curious Coin.Schematic: Mecha-Bond Imprint Matrix - Cost: 1 Curious Coin.Recipe: Leather Love Seat - Cost: 1 Curious Coin.These items can be purchased from Xur'ios at any time. Xur'ios has two types of inventory items some items are fixed, and are always available, but ONE item each day is a variable, randomly rotating item that will change from day to day! This vendor is a reference to the online FPS game Destiny, as are many of his items ( Ingram's Puzzle, Gjallar's "Horn", Mote of Light). He can be found tucked away outside and on the left side of the Bank of Dalaran towards the back of the building (between the bank and the Antonidas Memorial). This currency is used at the ethereal vendor Xur'ios in Dalaran. Comment by jjanchan ***UPDATE - After much trial and error, it appears this vendor has two types of items available! See below for details***